
The Aztec Goddess Coatlicue

The Aztec goddess Coatlicue statue 1500, is one of the most famous surviving Aztec sculptures. It stands more than 8 feet tall. Snakes form here skirt and belt and even her head. Her name, Coatlicue actually means “Snakes-Her-Skirt”. The snakes represent blood spurting, and the snaky head represents that she has been decapitated and the […]


Sculpture of the Aztec God Xochipilli

This is the most complete sculpture of the Aztec god Xochipilli. He is sitting cross-legged on a throne in rapture. His name means “Prince of Flowers” and is associated with pleasure, poetry, sexuality, painting, writing and song. He is one of the fertility gods, first worshipped in the Teotihuacan civilization and adopted by the Aztecs. […]

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