Legend Myth

The Smoke Wolf

According to legend, the Appalachian Smoke Wolf is a fierce predator that hunts at night and feeds on livestock, wildlife, and the occasional human unlucky enough to cross its path.

Physical encounters with a Smoke Wolf are extremely rare, but those who have seen it describe it as a large, wolf-like creature with black fur and red eyes. Is this giving anyone else Little Red Riding Hood vibes?

It also has the ability to transform into a cloud of smoke, making it almost impossible to track or catch. And if that isn’t enough to send chills down your spine, here are two more knowledge nuggets for you. It can only be deterred by the sound of rattling chains, and when you hear it, it sounds like the howl of a wolf with the scream of a demon.

The legend of the Smoke Wolf is relatively recent. It dates back to the early 1900s when reports of a mysterious, smoke-like creature began to circulate in the region, with some speculating that it was a supernatural entity or a previously unknown species of wolf.

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