Every time Higgins expresses (and attempts to hide) his concern and fondness for Magnum. “Aw, Higgins, you were worried about me.” “Nonsense!“
Magnum PI

Every time Higgins expresses (and attempts to hide) his concern and fondness for Magnum. “Aw, Higgins, you were worried about me.” “Nonsense!“
Magnum and Higgins with machine guns blazing in Mad Dogs & Englishmen season 6.
In “The Taking of Dick Mc Williams,” Rick spends the whole episode with a black eye, but won’t say how he got it. At the very end of the episode, Rick reveals that he got the black eye from a nun who thought he was trying to steal her car. Cue Magnum and T.C. laughing their heads off. […]
Tom Selleck in the 1981 “Battle Of The Network Stars” TV special
Magnum PI starring Tom Selleck as Thomas Magnum
Fun gag but does not make sense; Magnum(Tom Selleck) has a prolonged conversation at the bar (not a random brief chance encounter) with Lou Whitaker and Alan Trammel, and he, a huge Tigers Fan who in other episodes proved to be able to recognize obscure players from other past teams, needs the bartender to tell him who they were. […]
The opening of the show starts with Magnum(Tom Selleck) driving off with the iconic Ferrari; however it has a license plate number, 56E-478, which is not the one seen in 99% of the show. It comes from the pilot episode, where the vanity plate ROBIN-1 had yet to be introduced.
Tropical afternoon with Thomas Magnum(Tom Selleck) leaning against a palm tree with his handy binoculars. Signed autograph.
Tom Selleck Quigley Down Under Signed
Magnum (Tom Selleck) becomes enmeshed in a plot involving a group of schoolgirls, their missing teacher(Katherine Cannon) and a priceless painting. “Thank Heaven For Little Girls, And Big Ones Too” December 24, 1980 S1 E4 – Ep 4. This is the first of two Christmas-set episodes of the series, the other being the fourth season’s “Operation: Silent […]