
Nothing Gold Can Stay

Nothing Gold Can Stay Nature’s first green is gold,Her hardest hue to hold.Her early leaf’s a flower;But only so an hour.Then leaf subsides to leaf,So Eden sank to grief,So dawn goes down to dayNothing gold can stay. By Robert Frost


An Ode to Overcast

An Ode to Overcast I thank you, overcast,Though so many hold you in contempt,I say to you, dear friend,Those who are unable to find it within themselves,To pay you with the respect due,Shall never find appreciation in our universe. The glorious sunshine,The melancholic rain,The rampaging rage of the vicious storm,The frost and fear of the […]


Eating at Granny’s

Eating at Granny’s Stewed crimson ‘matoessputter to the brimof a cast iron pot.Scarlet lava darts shootfrom the country vesselstinging anyone close by.Swirling oniony dumplingsboil angrily in the seethingsugary sweet ‘mato juices.Lots of butterkeep em’ from sticking.Can’t wait to ladlea heaping servingover some pinto beansnext to my slab of cornbread.Nobody cooks like Granny.Nobody! Country hot tub. […]

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